
MH&Co. & GMS Earn ICC CEUs – Preparing Your Case: Documentation, Report Writing, and Evidence

Mitchell Humphrey & Co. is excited to partner with GMS Presentations and Training for their February class – Preparing Your Case: Documentation, Report Writing, and Evidence on Wednesday, February 24, 2021.

Greg Smith, owner of GMS, has been working in the public safety industry for 22 years. Greg is an experienced trainer and professional presenter on topics including code enforcement, housing inspections, and policy and procedures for both the public and private sectors. He is a certified Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector through the American Association of Code Enforcement and the International Code Council, and President of the Minnesota Association of Housing Code Officials (MAHCO).

What to expect: This class will go over the procedures, processes, and best practices for maintaining professional documentation, writing reports, and documenting evidence for housing inspections, code enforcement cases, and building permit/plan review submittals with the assumption that someday the information will be needed at a hearing, appeal, or court proceeding. (.2 Hours ICC CEU’s)

MH&Co.’s Nancy Brady will share an inside look at the premier web-based FastTrackGov® (FTG) community development software and how it can be used to properly document jurisdictional actions. Applications include licensing, construction permitting, code enforcement, planning & land use, and more.

Who should attend: Code Enforcement Officials, Building Officials, Construction Officials, Plans Examiners, Permit Technicians, Inspectors (Building, Electric, Plumbing, Fire)

Register today!

Zoom information will be emailed to registered attendees prior to the class.

-Eve Steele, Marketing Manager